Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

(^ O ^)

Some girl asked me today, why do I feel alone? Why do I feel like I’m not good enough? Why does every guy do me wrong? You know, I’m sure we have all felt alone at one time or another, but that does not mean that you’re lonely. We can be alone and be perfectly happy, and you can be happy but be alone. You can be in a room full of people and still be lonely. Loneliness is a state of mind, it’s an emotion. Loneliness is a feeling of inner void, a feeling of not being good enough for someone, a feeling of loss, loss of someone you loved and in a way, it’s the losing of ourselves.

If it’s a loss of a relationship, or you’ve been having a hard time of letting people back into your life, know that it will soon pass. It’s normal for one to feel alone after being with someone and falling into a routine, a pattern. You get use to the kisses, and the hugs and the calls and when they finally stop, you feel lonely. Recognize the need to love again. Loving others is one of the most basic needs in life. Without love, life is meaningless. I know it takes time, but closing off your heart to love will make your life seem empty, therefore making you feel alone.

If you go out looking for love to fill a hole in your heart, then you are much more likely to attract someone who wants to take advantage of you. If you come from the perspective of having lots of love to give, then you will attract a similar person. Don’t rush into things, let the love come to you. Don’t go out looking for “Mr. Perfect”. Let that person come to you. The more you wait, the more of a genuine guy you will get. Ease into a new relationship slowly. Do not try to replace the lost relationship, with the new one. Let the new relationship blossom on its own. Every person who has ever lived has been lonely. And like they say love wouldn’t exist without loneliness to inspire it. Never forget that. <3 -tumblr

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